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UEIL New Presidency


Athens, 21 October 2022

UEIL held its first Congress in Athens on 19-20-21 October 2022, and it elected a new leadership team.

Mattia Adani was appointed President, and in his first speech as UEIL President, he highlighted the importance of UEIL and his enthusiasm for starting this new venture. He also did not miss to thank Valentina Serra-Holm, the outgoing UEIL President.

“It is our role as a European association to ensure that lubricants are recognised as one of the solutions to meet the Green Deal objectives. Lubricants will continue to play a critical role in automotive and industrial use. I am very proud to have the trust of the UEIL Board to lead this transition and address the key challenges for our sector to ensure a safer, healthier and greener environment.

I would like to sincerely thank Valentina Serra-Holm for her dedication and deep commitment to leading UEIL over the last six years”

Valentina Serra-Holm also made a statement on the successful 2022 UEIL Annual Congress and did not miss out on spending a few words on her newly elected successor.

“I can proudly look back at six years of Presidency and now, particularly to a successful Congress. After the COVID-19 pandemic, the Congress was a perfect opportunity for leaders in the lubricants industry to meet in Athens. The theme “Driving innovation – the lubricant industry on the move” is a trending topic. The European focus on; twin green and digital transitions to build a more sustainable and resilient society and economy presents a unique opportunity for the lubricant industry. During these few days in Athens, through presentations, panel discussions and dialogues between the many participants: these topics and much more were tackled. This enthusiasm shown for the first Congress after the COVID-19 pandemic can only show the strength and interest of the industry to move forward.

I am very confident in the capacity of Mattia to continue ensuring the dynamism and significant involvement of UEIL in the Brussels microcosm.” 

UEIL has also appointed Jean Christophe Kremer as Secretary General.

Valentina Serra-Holm, UEIL Past-President
