UEIL is the principal voice for the lubricants industry before all European authorities and other industry groups.
UEIL benefits its members by:
- providing insight and intelligence on key issues, but also access and influence to its members;
- advocating member companies’ commitment to Europe in a timely and effective manner to institutions and governments of the European Union with respect to policy and legislative issues.
- facilitating the resolution of regulatory matters that impact business and playing a role in creating a better understanding of members’ positions;
- extending external visibility and recognition for the economic, social and technological contributions made in Europe by our members;
- demonstrating the continuing commitment by UEIL member companies to the wider development of the European Union.
In addition, UEIL serves its membership through :
- Committees – UEIL’s Health, Safety & Environment, Technical and Competition, and Sustainability Committees provide the opportunity not only for exchanging information, but also for joint action on issues of great interest to their segments of the industry.
- Congress – UEIL Annual Congress is the annual meeting point for all member companies. The congress provides a platform for extensive networking combined with interesting presentations around one theme. The congress is traditionally followed by the General Assembly.
- Publications: Lube Magazine, is UEIL’s official journal and is published bi-monthly. It is a communication tool for UEIL, informing members about trends in the lubricants industry and updates on member companies around the world. UEIL also issues a quarterly Newsletter. You can see previous editions here.
If you wish to become Member of UEIL, please read below.
A. Select a category:
- Associations
Associations include all national associations representing independent lubricants manufacturers within Europe. By joining UEIL, all your member companies automatically become members of UEIL.
- Individual Companies
Individual companies include any firm, partnership, corporation or other organization which supports the objectives of the Association and which act as an independent lubricants manufacturer.
B. Submit your application
Use the links in the table below to download either the Association Member application form or the Individual Company Member application form in PDF format.
When complete, you may submit your application to secretariat@ueil.org.
Download Membership Application Forms