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Technical and Competition Committees update – September 2022


The Technical and Competition Committees have met for the last time of the year in September 2022, with a dedicated session to strategy and defining the objectives for the coming years.

In the meantime, they continue making progress on several cases, regarding misleading communications and issues on access to technical information. An OEM Bulletin was also circulated in September on Mercedes Evobus Blatt.

Over the last months, the Committees have been in contact with the European Commission’s DG GROW and with National Type Approval authorities regarding relevant repair and maintenance information for fluids to be used in motor vehicles.

Finally, the Committees have been working on answering to the public consultation on the proposed prolongation of the Motor Vehicle Block Exemption Regulation (MVBER) and the draft amendments to the Supplementary Guidelines, for which the deadline was 30 September 2022.