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Press Release – ATIEL and UEIL publish a methodology to calculate and report Product Carbon Footprints (PCFs) for Lubricants and Other Specialties


UEIL and ATIEL are pleased to announce the publication of ‘Methodology for Product Carbon Footprint Calculations for Lubricants and Other Specialties’.

Formed in January 2023, a Task Force consisting of ATIEL & UEIL members, external advisors and Carbon Minds has developed a harmonized cradle-to-gate (blenders / marketers exit gate) PCF methodology which can now be used by the whole lubricants industry, thus ensuring consistency and transparency throughout the entire supply chain.

To ensure wide acceptance within the industry the draft methodology was shared with other lubricants and industry associations, as part of a global-wide consultation phase. All comments have been reviewed and appropriately reflected in the final version of the methodology.

Mattia Adani, UEIL President highlighted that “To be able to determine Product Carbon Footprints for Lubricants and Other Specialties on a common, harmonized basis for the whole European Lubricants Industry is a decisive capability and we are delighted to have developed it together with ATIEL.”

Marco Digioia, ATIEL President stated that “This is a key step among the joint initiatives we are taking to bring a consistent approach to assess the environmental impacts of our products in line with the objectives of the European Green Deal and globally”.

The methodology document can be downloaded from ATIEL and UEIL websites.

The methodology is currently being reviewed by a 3rd party auditor to certify accordance with applicable standards. The review is expected to be concluded before end of 2023.

Contact by email: secretariat@ueil.org and info@atiel.eu

UEIL (the Union of the European Lubricants Industry) represents the interests of the lubricants industry in Europe, with a special focus on SMEs and independent companies that produce lubricants and metal processing fluids essential for the automotive and industrial sectors. UEIL asbl | Avenue des Arts 46, B-1000 Brussels – Belgium | Website : https://www.ueil.org/
ATIEL is the Technical Association of the European Lubricants Industry and a non-for-profit association (ASBL) representing the combined knowledge and experience of leading European and international engine oil manufacturers and marketers. ATIEL asbl | rue Belliard,40, B-1040 Brussels – Belgium | Website: https://atiel.eu/