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HSE Committee update – June 2022


After more than two years, the HSE committee met again in person. The new organisation with HSE subgroups dealing with various aspects of REACH and CLP revision as well as supply chain issues and biocides has proved to be very successful. Members are more engaged in discussions in rather smaller circles than in the “big” HSE group. The REACH revision and the “safe and sustainable by design” initiative will have a major impact on the availability of chemicals and the use of lubricants. We would hereby like to draw your attention to a paper written by Mick Wragg in the next lube magazine on this subject

We have published a position paper which has been circulated to members in which we explain the consequences of the classification of Lithiumalts as “toxic for reproduction, category 1A”. In addition, greases formulated on Li-stearate may also be classified if LiOH content is equal or above 0,3% w/w. This paper is intended for communication with customers and authorities. We will also issue a paper on the new classification of boric acid (from December 2022) in which we explain the new classification as “CMR 1B” and the impact on metalworking fluids, which can also help in communication with customers. Both papers will soon be available on the UEIL website soon.

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